Are you looking for a way to make a positive impact in a child’s life?


You can make a difference – right here, right now – by responding to a need on CarePortal.


CarePortal is a technology platform that connects vulnerable children and families to people who want to help.


Social workers and other frontline workers uncover the needs and then CarePortal makes local churches and their community members aware, giving them a real-time opportunity to respond!

Because every child matters

This platform instantly connects you to the urgent, real-time needs of vulnerable children and families living right here in our community. Needs such as a bed, a car seat, rent assistance, help with utilities, and more can provide critical, immediate relief and restore a family back to a strong and healthy state.

Make your impact by responding ‘Yes, I can help!’ to a need today and reassure a child and their family that their community cares about them.

Yes! I can help!

Would you please consider signing up to be a “church responder”? As a responder, you will receive emails with current requests that you can then choose whether to respond to or not.

The most requested needs are:

   twin beds

   bunk beds






   rent & utility help

   diapers & wipes

   car seats
